The next strongest group of nations are in the Middle East. The primary challenge in selecting one of these nations is that you will be surrounded by similarly powerful nations! This makes relatively isolated nations such as England, Denmark, Castille or Portugal good choices. As a result, these nations are generally the strongest nations in the world, and can be the easiest to play. These nations reside within the best technology group which provides an enormous military, economic, and colonizing advantage. Thus, the first most difficult question of newbies is: what nation should I select? Paradox games allow players to play any nation.
When you see that a country has been annexed, new advisors will become available. Cavalry is a great way to build an army (This is only true in earlier versions of the game, the Heir to the Throne expansion made balanced armies more powerful than armies composed of only cavalry). Having a high stability provides a variety of benefits, while a low stability can make gameplay very difficult. Managing the economy is one of the most important parts of the game. Start out with the difficulty setting on Easy or Very Easy. Get used to the interface and the speed of the game. Play the first game as a scenario with powerful nation and a limited goal. EU3 Chronicles contains all of the expansion packs. EU3 Complete is a version of the game that includes the first two expansions, and is widely considered a far superior version of the game as compared to the original EU3. EU3 has had four expansions to it: Napoleon’s Ambition, In Nomine, Heir to the Throne, and Divine Wind. This guide also links to some of the more important game concepts.Įuropa Universalis III is a successful series of games from Paradox Interactive. While this is not a substitute to reading the manual, this guide offers practical advice and strategy for new players. This is a list of useful information aimed at beginner players to help them learn the ropes. This advice applies to all versions of the game.